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Protecting Your Car’s Privacy

Privacy By Binnall Law Group - 2018/01/09 at 09:25am

Admit it: you’ve given little thought about how to stop hackers from taking over your car. Sure, you lock your doors and hope that a thief doesn’t hot-wire your ignition, but now hackers are the new danger on the horizon, with the rise of the smart car. In fact, the annual Law Vegas-based hacker convention, DefCon, has been allowing its attendees to try their luck at hacking into cars for a number of years already. As a result of this threat, international regulators have issued guidance to manufacturers on how to protect drivers’ privacy and safety (see article here). There […]

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civil rights, Privacy, technology

Expert Witnesses

Business and Commercial Disputes By Binnall Law Group - 2018/01/09 at 09:25am

There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to hire an expert witness for your case. Before deciding whether you should hire an expert, you first must determine if you can hire one. Virginia case law limits the type of expert testimony that can be used as evidence at trial. You should consult an attorney for advice that is specific to your particular case, but here are five things that are important to know before hiring an expert witness: The subject matter to which an expert can testify is limited. Experts may only testify to information about which “a […]

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civil litigation, expert witness

Motions Practice in the Rocket Docket

Business and Commercial DisputesNorthern Virginia Practice and Procedure By Binnall Law Group - 2018/01/09 at 09:25am

The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia is able to keep cases moving quickly enough that it is known as the Rocket Docket and has the fastest average filing to trial time of all federal courts in the nation partly because of its motions practice guidelines. The rules for motions differs between the various divisions, but they all generally allow for motions to be heard and decided quickly. This is especially true in the Alexandria Division, which operates on a motions day system, and allows the parties to immediately know when their motions will be heard. The […]

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